If your home plumbing toolkit consists of a plunger in the downstairs bath, there's a good chance you’ll eventually need to tap into the advice of someone knowledgeable about common plumbing repairs.
Our Benson Ace stores in Webster and Frederic have the plumbing tools, supplies, accessories, and advice to face any plumbing repair or update with confidence.
When it comes to DIY electrical repairs or new projects around the house, you probably are focused on testing, replacing, and preventing. Testing to ensure electrical equipment and connections are working properly. Replacing worn or outdated electrical accessories (outlets, surge protectors and cords). And preventing electrical hazards.
Ready for a Smart Home? From turning on your lights while on vacation, to adjusting the thermostat from the comfort of your bed, "smart home" options are expanding all the time. Setting up your home with smart products can save you time and energy. Pair devices with your Alexa or Google Assistant to automate lighting, security, and home comfort.